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Physical Review – 9 November 1964
(Volume 136, Issue 3B)

Angular Distributions of Conversion Electrons from Oriented Ce137m Nuclei
R. B. Frankel, D. A. Shirley, and N. J. Stone
pp. B577-B583 [View   PDF (1198 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure and Nuclear Moments of Br80 and Br80m
Matthew B. White, Edgar Lipworth, and Seymour Alpert
pp. B584-B589 [View   PDF (1070 kB) ]

Nuclear Charge Distribution in Calcium from Electron Scattering and Muonic X Rays
D. G. Ravenhall, Robert Herman, and B. C. Clark
pp. B589-B596 [View   PDF (1486 kB) ]

Nuclear Transitions in Cs133
E. B. Nieschmidt, C. E. Mandeville, L. D. Ellsworth, and D. D. Bornemeier
pp. B597-B602 [View   PDF (895 kB) ]

Decay of 20-Minute Ag115
E. L. Bahn, B. D. Pate, R. D. Fink, and C. D. Coryell
pp. B603-B617 [View   PDF (1964 kB) ]

Nuclear Levels of Cd115 and Cd117 from (dp) Reaction Studies
R. J. Silva and G. E. Gordon
pp. B618-B624 [View   PDF (1326 kB) ]

Neutron-Neutron Scattering at Low Energies
Michael J. Moravcsik
pp. B624-B629 [View   PDF (1229 kB) ]

High-Energy Gamma Radiation from Lithium Bombardment of Be9, B10, B11, and C12
R. R. Carlson and M. Throop
pp. B630-B636 [View   PDF (1121 kB) ]

Optical-Model Analysis of "Quasielastic" (pn) Reactions
G. R. Satchler, R. M. Drisko, and R. H. Bassel
pp. B637-B647 [View   PDF (2241 kB) ]

Photoproduction of π± Mesons in Nitrogen
G. Piragino
pp. B648-B650 [View   PDF (509 kB) ]

Model Three-Body Problem
R. Aaron, R. D. Amado, and Y. Y. Yam
pp. B650-B659 [View   PDF (1717 kB) ]

Photoprotons from Carbon
Y. M. Shin and W. E. Stephens
pp. B660-B663 [View   PDF (628 kB) ]

Radiative Tail for Inelastic Electron Scattering
L. C. Maximon and D. B. Isabelle
pp. B674-B683 [View   PDF (1520 kB) ]

Resonance Neutron Capture and Transmission in Sulfur, Iron, and Lead
R. L. Macklin, P. J. Pasma, and J. H. Gibbons
pp. B695-B702 [View   PDF (1271 kB) ]

Neutron Resonances of Selenium
R. E. Coté, L. M. Bollinger, and G. E. Thomas
pp. B703-B710 [View   PDF (1494 kB) ]

Can a Scalar Meson "Bootstrap" Itself?
P. D. Collins
pp. B710-B713 [View   PDF (603 kB) ]

Mass Sum Rules for Vector Mesons and Properties of ω and ϕ Mesons
Ken Kawarabayashi
pp. B714-B719 [View   PDF (1134 kB) ]

Spin Operators in the Kemmer Theory
A. Sankaranarayanan
pp. B719-B722 [View   PDF (610 kB) ]

Crossing Relations and Legendre Expansions in Pion-Pion Scattering
Takeshi Kanki and Arnold Tubis
pp. B723-B732 [View   PDF (1547 kB) ]

Extrapolation of Proton Electromagnetic Form Factor. II
J. S. Levinger and C. P. Wang
pp. B733-B741 [View   PDF (1667 kB) ]

Dynamical Calculations and Regge Trajectories in the Presence of Spin
Ernest Abers and Fredrik Zachariasen
pp. B749-B762 [View   PDF (2454 kB) ]

Gauge Theory of Elementary Interactions
Abdus Salam and J. C. Ward
pp. B763-B768 [View   PDF (836 kB) ]

Weak Interactions and Self-Consistent Theories
Mahiko Suzuki
pp. B769-B773 [View   PDF (956 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Measurement of p+p→π++d at High Momentum Transfers
W. F. Baker, E. W. Jenkins, A. L. Read, A. D. Krisch, J. Orear, R. Rubinstein, D. B. Scarl, and B. T. Ulrich
pp. B779-B782 [View   PDF (756 kB) ]

Sum Rules for Coupling Constants in Broken SU (3) Symmetry
Virendra Gupta and Virendra Singh
pp. B782-B786 [View   PDF (731 kB) ]

Empirical Partial-Wave Analysis of π+p Elastic Scattering Above 1 GeV/c
Martin L. Perl and Mary C. Corey
pp. B787-B803 [View   PDF (2142 kB) ]

s-Wave K-N Scattering by the N / D Method
D. P. Roy
pp. B804-B807 [View   PDF (625 kB) ]

Relation among the Ξ1 / 2*, Y1*, N3 / 2* Decay Widths in Broken Unitary Symmetry
C. Becchi, E. Eberle, and G. Morpurgo
pp. B808-B810 [View   PDF (464 kB) ]

Method of Reducing the Uncertainty in Neutrino Mass
Robert R. Lewis
pp. B811-B815 [View   PDF (728 kB) ]

Equivalence Between Four-Fermion and Yukawa Coupling, and the Z3=0 Condition for Composite Bosons
D. Lurié and A. J. Macfarlane
pp. B816-B829 [View   PDF (2452 kB) ]

Higher Symmetries for the Vector Mesons
I. S. Gerstein and M. L. Whippman
pp. B829-B835 [View   PDF (1198 kB) ]

Shrinkage of the Effective Core in the Scattering of Particles of Arbitrary Spin
Giuliano Patergnani and Kunio Yamamoto
pp. B836-B839 [View   PDF (568 kB) ]

Angular Correlations in the Three-Pion System and the Diffractive Dissociation of a Pion
P. Dennery and A. Krzywicki
pp. B839-B842 [View   PDF (621 kB) ]

Pion Production without Annihilation in Antiproton-Proton Interactions at 3.6 GeV/c
H. C. Dehne, E. Lohrmann, E. Raubold, P. Söding, M. W. Teucher, and G. Wolf
pp. B843-B851 [View   PDF (1707 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Asymptotic Self-Consistency of Propagators and Form Factors
R. Delbourgo
pp. B851-B858 [View   PDF (1325 kB) ]

Coulomb Scattering of Dirac Particles
R. L. Gluckstern and S. R. Lin
pp. B859-B863 [View   PDF (732 kB) ]

Inhomogeneous Electron Gas
P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn
pp. B864-B871 [View   PDF (1127 kB) ]

Scattering of a High-Intensity, Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave by an Unbound Electron
Zoltan Fried and Joseph H. Eberly
pp. B871-B887 [View   PDF (2701 kB) ]

Concerning Space-Time and Symmetry Groups
Meinhard E. Mayer, Howard J. Schnitzer, E. C. Sudarshan, R. Acharya, and M. Y. Han
pp. B888-B892 [View   PDF (700 kB) ]

Lorentz Invariant Localized States
T. O. Philips
pp. B893-B896 [View   PDF (717 kB) ]

Many-Body Perturbation Theory Applied to Atoms
Hugh P. Kelly
pp. B896-B912 [View   PDF (3037 kB) ]